Wednesday, January 21, 2009


has declared he will close Gitmo within a year. That leads me to ask what will become of the people held there? Most of thier native countries will either not accept them, or will not garuntee that they will not be tortured. By that I mean "real" torture, not waterboarding, or humiliation, or being made to be un comfortable. May I suggest that instead, we send Rep. Murtha to GITMO?Real torture is shoving bamboo under finger nails, or chopping fingers off. Should these people be brought to U.S. soil where they can access criminal courts all of the way up to the US Supmreme Court? I say no! They are not criminal defendants caught up in a criminal trial. They are illegal combatans, as clearly defined by the UN. As such they can be held indefinately until the end of hostilities.

To treat the actions of Al Qaeda as criminal events is a big mistake. One that Obama seems determined to make. They are acts of war and should be treated as such. Of the 700 or so individuals held at Gitmo around 500 have been released. The ones that are left for the most part, the worst of the worst. Rep John Murtha invited them to be sent to his state. May I sugest instead, that we send Rp. Murtha to GITMO? I doubt most Americans would cozy up to the idea of having Al Qaeda terrorist in thier back yard....unless it was for a hangingThat way he can get up close and personal with each of these fine individuals.......I'm quite sure he will go over in a big way there.

Are we to really think it is a good idea to bring them to U.S. soil? That would make Ted Rall happy but I doubt most Americans would cozy up to the idea of having Al Qaeda terrorist in thier back yard....unless it was for a hanging, that might be ok! Just think of what would happen if one of these upstanding citizens were to get his day in court in the 9th circuit court.

Treating these people as criminal defendants is a BIG mistake. We will see what ultimately happen. President Obama, like most presidents, has left himself a great deal of wiggle room.

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