Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gone, but not forgotten





Picture 019

You will be sadly missed.......


Lauren said...

Oh, Rob, I'm so sorry... I know how much our dogs become such an important and loved part of our families. Those pictures you posted of him are wonderful - he was a very handsome schnauzer, and just from reading your blog, I know you loved him very much and I've no doubt he loved his human pack very much too.

Rob said...

Thanks Lauren. It was tough but he was suffering so bad after Sunday. Sunday we had a cook out and he was running around and eating everything in sight. He stopped eating Monday and by Tuesday he was near blind, could barely walk, and was having trouble breathing. The vet said there was little they could offer him and yet it was the most difficult thing I've ever done. 10 years with him was not nearly long enough but I am gratefull that he only had 2 bad days in his life, we should all be so lucky......

Key said...

You're doggy is very beauty.
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