Monday, May 7, 2007

Day 4 Part-2(Saturday)

This is the courtyard at the Trading Post Hotel. It was very beautiful and a bird watchers haven. I spoke to Tony, a Native American about 50 years old there who was raised in this place. He was telling me about remembering climbing trees and could actually point to the trees in the courtyard. He and his young son were waiting for his wife to get off work.

This is the Cameron Trading Post Hotel in Cameron Arizona. It was a very nice room with a great view.

This is the view looking out the window about 6AM. Its breathtaking.

Some of the wildlife found in the courtyard. In addition I saw the smallest hummingbird I've ever seen before. Maybe about 1.5-2" long. He didn't want to be photographed.

The ravens out here are kinda creepy, especially if you've ever read Edgar Allen Poe's book.

This is Buster. He stayed next door to us. He is a Louisiana Leopard Dog. About the size of a big Lab. His primary job is to remove wild boars from farms in and around Louisiana. I suppose he can get mean, but he is one of the nicest dogs I've ever met. When his owner was gone and he saw me and Karen go into our room he jumped up and was staring at our door barking at us to come back out. His Buster and his owner come here often and is even allowed to leave the dog tied up outside the rooms because he is so friendly.

Thats it for now. More later today..
Signing out...
Rob & Karen

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