When I first went to the Wetlands Preserve back in 2007 I remember walking along the path and seeing a bird jump up. I only saw it for about 2-3 seconds, and it was gone. I knew it was a raptor type bird(or so I thought), and that it was whiteish. With a 2-3 second view of the bird it really could have been anything from an Osprey to a Black Capped Night Heron. White, Black and Grey, all blurred together in 2-3 seconds....Could describe either. Now I know for sure it WAS an Osprey as seen below:
(Time to eat some crow...I'm now sure that this is NOT an Osprey)
But i'm getting ahead of myself.....
The first bird I was was a Orange Capped Warbler:
I've seen these before in Michigan, but until today I thought they were Wilsons Warblers. They are not. Not enough black in them.
This is an unknown Sparrow:
I admit it, I'm too lazy to try to figure it out....lol
Other than to say this is a Sparrow, I'm not going to even try:
This is a seed of some kind. They were all over the park. You will see many of them in my other pictures. I don't know what they are.
Again, whaty I believe to be an Orange Crowned Warbler.
This, a new bird to me, is a Virden:
I walked about .5-3 miles by this point. I stopped for a smoke break. Everyone know excercising and smoking go together right????? While standing there I looked up and saw this:
This is an Osprey:
A new one on me. Never photographed one before.
This is another un known Raptor. I do not think it is a Red Tailled Hawk as it is missing the red/brown areas on the leading egdes of th wings:
This is a Snowy Egret. Not to be confused with a Cattle egret, much more orange on the beak, or a Great Egret, a bird 2-3 times larger.
A Common Morehead.
This is a Great Egret:
Note the black beak and, although hard to tell in the photo, it is 2-3 time larger tha the Snowey Egret.
some of the f;;ood damage from last week:
Although in this picture it seems, to me anyways, to have the face of an owl, it is, I think a Raptor.
I thought at first, it couldn't be a bird, it must be debris from the flooding. I was wrong:
the King Bird...
Un Known Sparow:
Green Winged teal:
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7 years ago
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