Saturday, February 28, 2009


day was spent mostly bird spotting. I started out at the Clark County Wetlands Preserve and then went to Ash Meadows National Wildlife Preserve.
Inbetween the two I got to watch a felony traffic stop up close and ppersonal, by Las Vegas's finest, and had the pleasure of being bitten by a Boxer(dog) at Ash Meadows. All in one day! My day is complete!!

This is a Flycatcher of some sort.

A Redd Tailled Hawk with a helicopter in the back ground.

Not sure what it is, but I really like this picture.

This is a Common Merganser. He's having a bad hair day!!

Its a duck! Thats all I could figure out.


I think this is the biggest Great Egret I have ever seen. He was huge!!!

A Sparrow of some sort.

After leaving the Preserve, Karen and I decided to go to the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Preserve. I knew we would end up there at a bad time for birding, but I wanted to get a feel for the place. It is only about 7 miles or so from Death Valley and about an hour and a half from Las Vegas.

While driving down Silverado, near the Southpoint, we heard faint sirens. From out of nowhere to LVMPD cars were behind us. Ofcourse we pulled to the side and they passed us rushed towards the freeway. Then another one pulled out of the corner gas station with his lights on. He then turned his lights off and headed north on Las Vegas Blvd. Then he turned around and follwed the other two cars to the top of the overpass. This is what we saw on the top. I wished I had my 24-105mm lens on the camera at the time, but I was in birding mode and had to make due with my 100-400mm lens. A great lens, but not in this situation.
Felony Traffic Stop

Felony Traffic Stop
This is an interesting picture. If you click on it and go to my flickr site you can see I added a note to it. In front of all of the police cars is a guy who jumped out of his car and grabed his camera to start photographing the action.

Felony Traffic Stop

Felony Traffic Stop

Felony Traffic Stop

Felony Traffic Stop
The photographer who just stopped in the road to photograph the felony traffic stop.

To be continued......

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