Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Death Valley is a place full of contradictions. Named in 1849 during the gold rush in California, only 1 person died there during that time. If you visit there in the summer moths though, the name seems fitting. We were there in July of 2005 and the temperature was 132F with 20-30 mph winds.The record high in Death Valley is 134F. It was like standing in front of a very large hair drier. None the less, I enjoyed it immensely.
The below picture was taken on our way out of the park back to Las Vegas:
Death Valley Moon Raise

This is the Devils Golf course, named for the difficult terrain and the small roundish white puffs of salt that resemble golf balls:
Devil's Golf Course

Artist's Pallet:
Artists Pallet

20 mule train that was used to haul borax out of the desert:
20 Mule Train

Scottys Castle:
Scotty's Castle

Ashford Mills:
Ashform Mill Ruins Death Valley

A golf course located within Death Valley:
Death Valley Golf Course

The Ubehebe Crater:
Ubehebe Crater

The sand dunes:
Sand Dunes

Death and Desolation right??
Death Valley Desolation

Not exactly:
Death Valley Bloom 2005

Death Valley in Bloom -- California Poppies

These photos were taken in 2005. It was a banner year for flowers in Death Valley. Because of the heavy rains that year(2005), Death Valley had a one in a hundred bloom. There were flowers everywhere. This year may also be like that. April is the time, this may be the year.I want to go!!!!

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