Monday, March 31, 2008

The bail outs

so far John McCain is the only one, im my opinion, that has got it right on the housing/financial mess we find ourselves in now. The govenment cannot and should not be the borrower of last resort. People(home owners) and companies(Bear Sterns) should not be bailed out by the government. If you purchased a house with one of these questionable loans, that is your fault, not mine. What about the people who got into "good" loans and have made the payments and now will have to bail out people who bought houses that they could not afford? What do they get? Where is their bail out? Many of the people who are suffering in the housing mess bought houses they could not afford unless done with one of these questionable types of loans, or they were merely speculating that housing prices would continue to raise and they would be able to refi over and over again and pocket the equity. When you speculate in a market and are wrong, you lose. Thats the way it is supposed to work. The same with Bear Sterns. The government should not have bailed them out for one penny. They speculated and lost and they(shareholders)should have paid the price for it. The government shouold not be interfering with that.

The primaries

A couple of things I want to blog about, well maybe only one thing anyway. Clinton has been trying to make it look like Obama does not want a re vote in Michigan and Florida. I'm not qualified to comment on Florida, but having lived in Michigna for over 30 years before moving to Vegas, I feel somewhat qualified to comment on it.
Clinton has tried to get the vote in Michigan to count, yet Obama was not even on the ticket. That hardly seems fair or democratic. She has also held the position that there should be a re-vote in Michigan. Obama has, in theory, agreed to this, if it could be done in a manner that was agreeable to both of them. Ofcourse Clinton's idea of a fair vote would be to prohibit anyone who voted in the Republican primary, namely Democrats or Indepenants who refused to vote for Clinton and instead voted for McCain from participating. This ofcourse would stack the vote for Clinton. Again this seems neither fair nor democratic. The only fair way to do it, as I see it, is to not seat the delegates. Michigan knew well the price for moving its primary dates. They should now be willing to take their lumps. As it looks now, no re vote will take place and the delegates will not be seated. That is as it should be.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

More from the car show

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The Hot rods

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My name's Mater, as in tuh-mater but without the 'tuh'

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And still more

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More Cops

This is not a U.S. Marshal, but a Las Vegas
Marshal. They are remenants from the
"old west" days aas I understand it.

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Cop Cars

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Wild Weekend

The north bound strip was shut down
last night fo some reason. Not sure
why yet, but Metro was going all
over the place and then just closed
it down.

Today is really windy. When we got to
the doggy park, we aalmost decided to
go back home because of the sand storms.

There was also a car show at Sunset Park.
It was held by the Injured Police Officers
Association, or something along those lines.
So in addition to the normal classic/hot rods,
there were also lots of cops cars on display.

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I'm a winner!

Finally! I put $1 into the penny slots
and got back $11.99. I know the ticket
say $11.74 but there was a quarter in the
ticket changer when I got there.

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The great cat escape

We finally let Paulie out for a bit.
Though not the first time he has been out,
it was the longest time for sure.

Two peas in a pod!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

The South Point

is our new favorite buffet! For $16.95 we had:
Prime Rib
Fried Shrimp
Crab Legs(Already cut in two)
Cat Fish
and much more. All of it was great! Sams Town is just as
good, but the South Point is 2 miles from
our house, where as Sams Town is on the other side of
town. The crab legs were awesome because
you didn't even have to split them open and fight
to get the meat out! Just pick up the leg and dig out the meat!
It would only have been better if they had someone
feeding it to you!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Well its

rum:30. I know, I know, you thought it was beer:30, but I drank all of the beer.Hahaha. I tried to give Carly a hair cut today......lets just say that it didn't work out so well, and that was before I had anything to drink. Really I was sober when I did that to her. At least she cant really see herself in the

Today was beautiful...81F and sunny. Well its almost always sunny here. Except for when its cloudy ofcourse, hahaha.

Work is going pretty good. I'm stiill learning ALOT, which is a good thing. I couldn't ask for a better company to work for. I've already outl;asted the last 4 people they hired. Ofcousre when one of them has warrants out for his arrest I guess thats not saying a whole

Today I went on a call and when I got there the competition (Crown) was there working on the machine. Thats the first time thats happened to me. I was kind of supprised. He had already dis assembled the unit, diagnosed it, and gave the customer a quote to fix it! Funny thing was the customer never called him! The customer thought that we might have been so back logged that we outsourced the work to Crown! I explained to him that we would never do that. Apparently he went to the wrong address and worked on the wrong machine! I can laugh now because, to date, I haven't made that mistake, YET! After talking to an oldtimer at our company, he reminded mme that it would likely only be a matter of time until I do....God know I've made about every other mistake there

Monday, March 24, 2008

We got out

of Michigan just in time. Michigan must be very proud. Hizzonor, the so called "Hip Hop Mayor" has been charged with several felonies including perjury and obstruction of justice. Ricardo Solomon must be proud!

Ricardo, among other things was the longest serving Wayne County Commision Chairman and also one of my college proffesors. He is seen in this picture below:

He is, or at least when I was in his classes, a strong supporter of Mr. Kilpatrick. I wonder if he still is?

The icing on the cake is that "Dr. Death" is running for congress! Go Michigan!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Google Analytics

I use a program called "Google Analytics" to track my blog. Here are some "facts" according to it:

  • It has been visited by people in 49 different countries including the top five by visit counts are:
  1. USA(571)
  2. Canada(35)
  3. Uninted Kingdom(33)
  4. Brazil(12)
  5. Germany(11)
  • The top five for how many pages they actually read are:
  1. Norway(6)
  2. Estonia(3)
  3. Ecuador(3)
  4. Canada(2.14)
  5. USA(2.14)
  • Time spent on my blog:
  1. Norway(2:54)
  2. Ecuador(2:39)
  3. South Africa(2:08)
  4. USA(1:56)
  5. India(1:32)

My blog has been viewed in over 390 cities world wide. The top five are:

  1. Allen Park(74)
  2. Southgate(44)
  3. Las Vegas(38)
  4. Taylor(28)
  5. Redford(27)

Assorted facts:

  • 68% use Internet Explorer
  • 27% use Fire Fox
  • 93% use Windows
  • 6% use Mac
  • .26% use Linux
  • 70% have never visited my blog before
  • 70% only read the first page

On average each visitor:

  • Visits 1.95 pages of my blog
  • Spends 1:31 mins on my site
  • 70% never go further than the first page

All in all not bad I suppose. I'd like to say "hi: to all of the people from all over the worl that have visited!

Thanks for reading!


More pics

Thankfully I can find gas
cheaper than this.

These would be, in a politically correct
phrase, "un documented" day laborers.

Bike rally at Sunset Park.

carley on the way back from
the doggie park!

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More Vegas scenes

A brave guy pulloing a wheelie on Sunset
in front of the airport. I wasn't really
prepared for this pic but I managed
to snap it.

This pic speaks for itself I think.

Another Vegas showgirl.

Photographing the photographer!

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