Well, I've seen some interesting sights the last few days around here.
Yesterday, while Karen was in the store grabbing some Pepsi I saw the a car that actually had rust on it! Yes it was real rust. Since being out here I've been looking at older cars that are a round and they all had one thing in common...No Rust. Now we all know that certain older American cars were notorious for rusting away before you sent in your last payment! It was pretty funny to see that the only rusty car I've seen out here was a.... Toyota! Take that!
Another intersting sight was had on Wed morning. I still haven't got my timing right to arrive at work on time but not too early. So on that day, it was still only 6:30AM, I decided to stop in one of the off strip casinoes and look over some paperwork. Just as I was pulling into the Casino what do I see? A maintenance crew out spray painting the brown grass a lush shade of green. Yes actually spray painting the grass! Probably cheaper than watering it I guess. Hahaha.
Today was the best day at work so far. Everything just seemed to go my way. The first few days, although I liked them, gav me reason to reflect on my decision. I began to think maybe I wasn't cut out to be a road tech and to even question my abilities a bit. Today made up for it though. I could almost just look at a hilo and it would fix itself! The first day they had someone ride with me and he said to just pretend that he wasn't there. Thats just not possible. He is a nice guy but it felt like he was looking over my shoulder all day, and just over all making me nervous.
55% of Democrats Believe Vote Totals Were Tampered With
It appears that we have now moved on from the Russian connection with the
Wikileaks dump of DNC emails, to the science fiction that the Russians
actually t...
7 years ago
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