Tuesday, September 25, 2007

More plane spotting

This is n F-16 at McCarran. You usually don't see them there, but for some reason he was. I waited for him to take off, but he didn't until I was out of position to photograph it. I heard him though. No mistaking him for a civillian jet!

This is a cool Alaskan Airlines plane I saw earlier in the day.

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Karen's Home!

This is Karen's flight returning her to Las Vegas, and to me! Me and the dogs went and listened to her flight come in and watched as it landed. The weather that day was kind of windy and I had seen earlier planes make "missed approaches" so I was happy to see her make it on the first try.

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A different view

A bit of a different view of "the strip".

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A Heavy

I saw this the other day at a Rebel gas station. It reminded me of my days working at an Armored Car Company in Detroit. I must say though that this one is in much better condition than the ones we used. We called these "heavies" because they were always loaded down with large amounts of coin. If you had all that coin in a regular one it would have popped the tires...... He seems to have done a nice job on it though. You can even see the sky reflected off of the paint.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

To see them all

To see all of the pictures from the memorial click the link below:


The Unknown

There are some people who died on September 11th that history will never forget. There are others, like Jasper Baxter, and Daphne Pouletsos, that history will never remember.
This is my little contribution to bringing them to light.

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9-11-01 Memorial

This is a memorial for the over 3,000 people killed on September 11th, 2001.
America, and indeed the world, will forever bear the scars of that day.

For each person killed in this attack, a 8 foot American flag was displayed. Attatched to each flag is a small card with the name of the person killed and brief statement about them. There are so many names to be seen. I felt guilty not reading each and every one of them, but it was not possible. Some of the cards bore only a name, age, and where they worked. Some tried to give a bit of insight into who the person was, or what mattered to them in life. It was no doubt a monumental task.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Some of the different airlines at McCarran. This is Alaskan Airlines Boeing 737.
This Delta Boeing 767 is just soooo big I had to snap a picture.
This is also a Boeing 767 "Thomas Cook Condor".
Other than this being a Boeing 737-NG, I can't say anymore than that. Although it has Asian writting on the back it is a US registered plane. Unfortunately the FAA web site does not list it's tail number in the database.

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A Normal Gambel's Quail

This is what they should look like.

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One Tired Bird

This is a Gambel's Quail I spotted today at Sunset Park.Most of these birds run away when you get close to them. This guy ran right up to the car and across the road in fron of me. So close that my camera wouldn't focus on him. You can see from the next pictures what a "normal" Gambel's Quail looks like.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007


I'm not the only one to enjoy plane spotting at McCarran. You can also see the scissors lift that just seemed to be sitting there in the middle of the parking lot. I wanted to climb on it so that I wouldn't have to shoot pictures through the fence. I figured that it may not be a good idea though. Most of my aircraft pictures are taken through a fence, but if you set your camera settings correctly you can make the fence "dissapear". Actually it just get so out of focus that it cannot be seen in the picture.
These next two pictures show the planes on final approach. They look like they are going to fly right over me, or that I am standing on the runway. Actually they are flying crooked to compensate for a very stron crosswind today.
They are actually flying about 6-8 degrees(my guess) left of the cener of the runway. They are not actually flying where they are pointed.
This monster is a Delta Boeing 767.

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More Spttong at McCarran

The Virgin Atlantic 747-400 named "Barbarella". You can see all of the dust sucked up by the vortex created by this massive plane.
Can't say I've ever heard of Max Jet before. This is a Boeing 767 series. Quite a large plane.
The little baby. This is a Skywest Embraer 120.
And of course the ubiquitous Airbus 319 or 320. Hard to tell the difference.

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Some Plane Spotting

This was the first plane to land as I got out to McCarran today. I almost missed it. I love the DC-10. Not sure why but it is a cool plane.
This would be a Southwest Boeing 737.
And ofcourse an Airbus 320 series.
This is the first Sun Country plane I've gotten. It's a Boeing 737-NG

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The Strip....again....

Last Friday I spent most of the afternoon on the strip at a couple of different casinos working on their machines. I snapped this picture on the way to the Luxor. Not a great picture, but oh well.

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Last Weekend

The puppies are just chilling and enjoying the heat. It was about 106F last wekend for these pictures.

This is on the way to take Karen to the urgent care.

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