Sunday, December 30, 2007

This is how we do

winter in Las Vegas. If I golfed that is!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Finally some snow

As I was driving down I-15 I saw 3 chunks of ice/snow that had fallen off a vehicle.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Nevada One

This is a photo of Nevada One. A Southwest
Airlines Boeing 737 just after taking off
from RNY 1. Because of the weather that
day, most flights were taking off on these
runways. I had positioned myself on a dirt
parking lot just west of the airport. This also
placed me about 100 feet from the guard
shack at the entrance to the Dept of Energy
airport facility. There was also a guy about 300
yards away from me with a big huge video camera
on a tripod filming planes taking off and landing.
I took a little while for me to realize that I was being watched,
but sure enough the guards from the DOE facility were
spying on me with binoculars.

(If you do not know the signifigance of this place let me explain:
This is where the government operates
flights to a place called Area 51.)

Along with the videographer
too I assume. The guards were trying at first to be
very conspicuos, standing in the middle of
the entrance to the DOE facility bearing down on me with
the binoculars. Then they tried the sneaky approach
and would pop their heads up around corners or up
from bushes near the shack. I opted not to photograph the guards.
I wish I would have now. I then saw the guard standing,
binoculars in one hand starring at me, phone in another.
Shortly after that I saw the first LVMPD car in my mirror.
Then another. The two cops raced down the road I was on, past me.
The videographer, by this point had left, or so I thought. He had really only
moved to another spot. When they got to where the videographer was,
they pulled off the road into the dirt parking lot I was in, and began
to talk to each other. You know how they do. Driver's door to driver's door.
Then the 3rd LVMPD car showed up. They all drove off, seemingly going
around the block several times. Not one of them even looked at me
the whole time. Thats how you know they are watching you....hahahah.
Then they all dissapeared. Shortly after that I left. When I turned the corner
I saw the videographer pulled over by two LVMPD cars. Apparently where he decided to
park this time was not legal. They never did stop or talk to me so I'll be back next Saturday...
Check here for pics of the guards spying on

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is everywhere on the strip these days.
There are 5 cranes in this photo. I'd be
willing to bet that there are 20 cranes on
the strip at this moment!

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Vegas scenes

There is some kind of cowboy convention
going on this week. Lots of cowboys
and cowgirls!

We also got a bit of.......rain!

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Close as we could get

to finding snow. Next weekend we may
go to Mt Charleston. There is 6-8 inches
of snow there. Then again we may not!

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No snow

Well we didn't find any snow. Any snow
that we could reach anyway. Then again
as much as I hated snow in Michigan I'm
not real sure why I would want to see any

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Saturday, December 8, 2007

The storm

This was my view Friday morning. We are
supposed to get rain all weekend but it
never showed up to any great extent.
Today we are going to go in search of some
snow. It is supposed to snow at Red Rock Canyon.
Weather it does now or not is yet to be seen.

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Its Vegas Baby!!

Today was one of those days where I was glad I lived in Vegas.
Driving home from work it was just so awesome looking out and seeing
the sunset. It was partly sunny and the way that the sun painted the clouds was just unreal. The strip lit up on my left, the mountains all around! I wish I had my camera with me, but even then I don't think I would have done it justice. Its been getting dark here about 4:30-5:00 and I've been working that late on most days over the last week or so. We went from not having enough work, and only working 8 hrs, to not having enough mechanics and working 9-10 hrs. Being that Karen is working now I don't mind the overtime anyways. She is usually home between 7-8 so it works out good.

As much as I hated the snow in Michigan though it just doesn't seem like Christmas without it. Its tough being so far from family, and financially its tough because we are still maintaining two houses(house rich, cash poor). We will try to make the best of it though. Its still Christmas and Christmas is less about what you have, than what you hold close to your heart.

I have been wanting to blog about this for quite some time, but haven't until today.
A while back I went on a service call to, well the place doesn't really matter, you wouldn't know it anyways. I was met there by this tall, lanky looking guy. After about 10 mins I began to wonder if he would ever be quiet. I must say he never was. He was telling me all kinds of stuff I really didn't care to know. Then he began talking about his wife of 18 years. Thinking to myself I just kind of rolled my eyes..."Here we go again..." Another bitter divorcee(or still married guy) who's wife cheated with his best friend, stole his house, the dog, and the kids. None of it is ever their fault. If I had a nickle for every man I met who hated his wife(or claims to), I'd be a millionaire. As stated above of course, it was never the man's fault either.

It was at this point that he said that "One day she just up and died." As the sadness welled up in his eyes I had to fight back tears and a large lump forming in my throat. I didn't know what to say to him....I was speechless other than to mutter the usual "Sorry to hear that." You could see the torment oozing out of him. He went on to say that he could not understand how she managed their affairs on what little money he made. He always came home from work and there was dinner on the stove and beer(she liked Coors) in the fridge. He couldn't understand how she did it. Now that he has been trying to do it for a few years now without her, he realized how impossible it was, but that didn't seem to stop her.

My point in this whole post I guess is to give those who you care about an extra hug. You never know when you will not be able to do it next time.

Pahrump Action Shooters

This was from the Death Valley Trip with Betty
and Tom. They are the one of the
groups listed here . Just having a good ol'e time
shooting it up in Pahrump.

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Just because

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Another update

Not much else going on. Betty and Tom left Saturday. As I double checked to make sure they didn't forget anything, Betty said they didn't. That they were used to living on the road for vacation and that they don't forget stuff. An hour after they left they called and asked if thier video camera was at our house. Indeed it was. So later in the day they left for a second time! They still managed to forget 2 items here. I warned them that everyone who has visited has forgotten something......hahahaha.

So now I'm back to wandering around the house in my

The weather has definately turned the corner here. One day last week it rained all day. And I mean ALL day. Driving by the strip on my way home from work I noticed that it was so foggy you couldn't even see the tops of the casinos on the strip. Thats more rain than we got for our entire monsoon season this year. The next day you would never knew it rained.

Monday morninig when I left for work my windows on my van were covered in frost. Its getting cold here. Lows in the mid 40's and highs anywhere from upper 50's to upper 60's. It MAY hit 70 later this week. Checking the weather for Michigan, I guess it isn't all THAT cold here :)

Top of the world

or Las Vegas anyway. While the older women
went shopping, Brooke was assigned to
babysit me and Tom. We went to the top of
the Stratosphere to have a look.

This is one of the rides at the top
of the Stratosphere.

Brooke and Tom hanging out on the top.

The strip at night!

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More fun times

While Betty, Tom, Nancy, Brooke, Irene,
Becky, and Tina were here we went out to
the Stratosphere for the buffet and of cousre
some shopping.

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